Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First time blogger

Today is my first attempt at blogging, My thoughts are that this will be a space where I can give updates and possibly purge some emotions.  I can't promise that I will blog everyday, however I will often.  To be caught up to date on Jared's story I created a web site also titled Jared's hope www.wix.com/lindamcintyre5/jaredshope . I wish I could take credit for the name however it is a friend and co-worker that came up with Jared's Hope.  So many things have happened in the past 6 months, ironically time seems to stand still at moments and others go fast than the speed of sound.  Jared's decline in health happened so rapidly almost a year ago he was very healthy and physically fit and now his energy level seems to be in survival mode.  No longer able to work and at times get out of bed for the greater part of the day.  Time seems to stand still in the fact that he waits for a heart and a liver and  news if insurance will help pay for the cost.  There seems to be so many things that are beyond our control in life and certainly time is one of them.  I suppose the only part of time we can control is they way we spend it and at the moment it seems more precious than ever.  I know I am so grateful for the time I am able to spend with my family and friends even when the moments seem brief.  The past six months have been a roller coaster of emotions as well from shock, denial, anger, overwhelming sadness, to acceptance and wanting to move forward.  Just when I think I've found some balance with the situation a new twist comes into to play and the roller coaster of emotions takes off again.  A huge blessing is the support of family and friends, the bond seems closer everyday and I am so very grateful.  
Yesterday's news with Jared is that he had 2500 ml of fluid taken off his abdomen which helped him feel better and we are still waiting little Jordan's arrival.  We are also praying little Jordan will do a flip since he is breech at the moment.  More news later.


  1. Linda as the time continues and we wait, Just know all the prayers and suport from everyone is a blessing. Just know that you are not alone and you will never need to be alone. Foe we are there for you and Jared and family anytime you need us. Love you all

  2. I feel the love from so many as we continue to pray for Jared and family and feelings are so close now to Linda, She is a great sister and I love her so. She has been a great insperation to me. Prayers to you my sister from Gary and Steve. You are doing a WONDERFUL job.

  3. God bless Angels
    It was a year ago that we too received some news that shook our world - Like you, every twist and turn was like riding a roller coaster.
    Our only strength came from our Lord Jesus Christ. He gave our son the strength to survive each day until he received his life saving organ transplant. I praise God each day for the blessings that He is sharing with my son. Pray and I will pray with you. God will not leave you or forsake you...He will carry you when you feel that you can no longer take one step further. This goes for the entire family too - :) I know! God bless and keep you in His care. Myprayers4U<3toy
